Book Reviews

Review: ‘Text 2 Lovers’ by K. Webster and J.D. Hollyfield

4 ‘As You Wish’ Stars!

I wanted to read this as soon as I saw K. Webster announce it. I haven’t read anything by Hollyfield but I know Webster is a very versatile author (she works with all genres) and I was excited to see her romcom side. And boy, Text 2 Lovers did not disappoint!

This is a standalone novel (even though I am sure it will become a series since the authors stated another book is coming!) and it’s about Dani a.k.a Buttercup and Ram, two people who meet in the most curious of circumstances: Dani texts the wrong number (thinking she is texting her ex), Ram texts back and this starts what will become an extremely funny and sexy love story.

Me: Why is your dick so small and useless?
Cheating Asshole: I don’t think it’s small at all. I’ve always been voted top in my class.
Me: Well, it did nothing for me.
Cheating Asshole: Maybe it’s because I would have had to be present to use it on you.

I really enjoyed this novel, the writing is great (and it was pretty clear to me who wrote Dani and Ram’s POV) and the story fluents amazingly well. The humor and the sex scenes are the best parts, I have to say! Those flirty texts that become so much more when Dani and Ram meet each other, it was just so good!

Whoever you are, Buttercup, I’m coming for you.

Obviously the chemistry between Dani and Ram is out-of-this-world hot and what’s even better than loving the MCs? Having awesome secondary characters, of course! Andie (Dani’s BFF) and Roman (Ram’s older brother) are hilarious and I can’t wait to read their story which is titled Hate 2 Lovers (so appropiate btw! lol). I loved all these characters, seriously!

I wasn’t lying when I said I was hungry for her.
I’m fucking ravenous.

Now, you must be wondering, why 4 stars then? Well, I have to say while Text 2 Lovers started pretty strongly for me, I got a bit lost in the middle of the story. It seemed a little repetitive but everything got better when we got some drama involved! Ram actually suffers from depression and some events happen related to that made me connect with the story again. Also I felt the ending was a bit rushed but still I really enjoyed this story!

“Who knew a wrong number could go oh-so-right?”

Therefore, my rating for Text 2 Lovers is 4 STARS because it just was a great entertaining book that made me laugh out loud and made me squirm with all the hotness! If you enjoy sexy romcoms and you enjoy these authors’ writing, do not hesitate to read this guys! I literally can’t wait for Hate 2 Lovers!


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